June 17, 2007: I shot my first wedding. As in, a bride and a groom hired me to document the most important day of their life together. I remember this day like it was two seconds ago: sitting in a Caribou Coffee in Bloomington, across from two friends from high school and they looked at each other, looked at me and said "well, as long as you'll be there shooting for fun, why don't we just pay you?"

My jaw dropped. I've never really won anything in my life, but this felt like the feeling you'd probably get if you realized you won the lottery. They were asking me to do this big huge important job? A "job" I already was going to do for the pure fun and love of doing it.

Without hesitation, I said yes.

And really, my life has never been the same since.

I'm saying YES to leaving a world of cubicles, 8-5 hours and business suits.

I'm saying YES to living my dream of being a real life, full time professional photographer starting NOW!!!!!!

[insert about a billion cartwheels, high-fives, gigantic vertical jumps and smiles so big even your gums hurt]

Now, let it be known that this is not a decision I've entered into lightly. I've prepared, I've planned, I've financially planned... but all of that aside? I've been dreaming. A lot. I've held onto this "secret" for about the last few months and slowly but surely, enacting plans to make things happen. But the journey isn't over. It's only just beginning! There are a lot of stories and sessions left to share, a brand new look to this bizz and you. You all are the key to making this dream soar.

This secret is one that has been met with the most amazing butterflies and encouragement from everyone I share it with. To all of those people whose eyes lit up and a big smile spread across their face when I heard them say "well, it's about time!" or "we are so proud of you!" or "this is your dream and now you're going to chase it 24/7!" I want to say thank you.

Thank you a million times over for every hug, every encouraging email, every countdown reminder... your endless support and love has propelled me to confidence that this is, in fact, the right choice. You are all a part of Team Syd. Thanks for cheering me on.

A few people have asked me if I was nervous about making the transition, if it was a smart choice in this economy or if I did in fact have enough business to sustain myself. My answer was a never-wavering, ever-constant: "Why would I be nervous about doing something I was born to do?"

God put this dream in my heart a long long time ago, maybe even before 2007 but it's taken me this long (and He's been working even longer!) to realize it. To trust. To have faith. To really truly know. And it's with this confidence that I'm moving forward, in faith and with Team Syd behind me cheering me on.

And there's no place I'd rather be. Thank you.


ps. Thank you to the lovely Maria for snapping these crazy shots of me a few weeks ago in Nevada. Thank you for believing in me since 2009 and keeping me accountable to this dream. Your new Team Syd t-shirt is in the mail soon, along with one for Ian and doggy shirts for the girls too :)

