Lolo, 6 months // First Year
Suddenly, Lolo is six months old! I say this often about my tiny clients, but even though we know babies grow, it's amazing to see them from belly to brand new to 6 months and then to walking, jabbering little humans! Life is such a miracle and these healthy, happy babies make my world go 'round.
Lolo flaunted her smile and her smooshable baby rolls like no lady I've ever known and I hope she never loses that sweetness and confidence. When we laid her on the sheepskin, she wouldn't stop laughing and reaching for those toes - I had this thought - "what if all women showed love to themselves and their bodies like Lolo is in this moment?" How beautiful and full life would be!
I'm taking that "what if" with me daily into 2016 - and I can't wait to snuggle a one year old Lolo and her big sis Beau in a few more months!