Josie // Bat Mitzvah
2016 marks my 7th year photographing bar and bat mitzvahs - 7 years full of these life-cycle events that are each unique, special and filled to the brim with tradition, family and amazing moments!
Josie was my first bat mitzvah in 2016 and here are my favorite images from her special day. The image above is significant because Rabbi Zimmerman at Temple Israel - Minneapolis, pictured on the right, was the Rabbi at Josie's mom Candice's bat mitzvah. Passing this Torah was such a special moment for everyone involved!
A very poised and fun young lady, Josie made sure everyone felt included at her luncheon and party, especially her younger brother Charlie - those two are not shy with the camera, which made my job extra fun! Josie's younger cousins and friends were admiring her and she made sure to include them in the games and dancing, making for some sweet moments.
Spirit of Asia catered a fabulous Kiddush luncheon and of course, that sweet table was the highlight! For the party that night, "Josiewood" was a fun theme concocted by Candice and Becky from A-List - brought to life by some fabulous vendors. Thanks to Cindy at Material Girl Graphics, the Medina Country Club, Mobile Photo Wall, AIR2B Difrent Airbrush and Tank Goodness + Cocoa and Fig!
Mazel Tov Josie! I loved working with you and your family - enjoy these images <3 XO!