We knew baby girl's due date was hovering right around my 30th birthday on October 9th and my initial response to Rachel giving the date was: "You can have your baby on my birthday! Best present ever!" Of course, being pregnant, Rachel was all about having her baby early ...
The day came - October 9. I was expecting my brother (bffs with new dad Joe) to come home for my birthday dinner but stop by Joe & Rachel's first. When he told us that he wasn't stopping by their home before coming to dinner, I knew something was up. Immediately after, Rachel texted that Spenser wasn't able to visit because they were in the hospital, having their baby!!
(Insert about a million emojis here, even more screams of joy and mental cartwheels!)
I spent the rest of the night with my family and constantly checking my phone to see if baby girl was here ... and finally, that night, she made her debut! My birthday buddy was born! And instantly, my heart grew about 28347565 sizes in love for this little babe.
When I finally met Adalyn Grace at my studio the week after, I couldn't help but be a little weepy. Here they were, our dear friends, holding their sweet baby. How amazing it is to witness life coming full circle, again and again. I almost forgot they were there for photos and would have been just fine holding this lady all afternoon!
The session was easy, quick by newborn photo session standards and before I knew it, the new parents were on their way. I sat down on the studio couch and relived all the moments of the session, setting intentions for Adalyn along the way. It's amazing to look into the brand new eyes of a little one, knowing we share such a special day. As parents, I'm sure you put all your hopes, dreams and wishes into the universe for your little one and just the same, I could see such a big, bright, amazing future ahead for Addie.
Dream big, little birthday buddy. I can't wait to watch you grow!